I need to just do it- Nike said it best!!!

It’s been 6 months since I started my own business and I have thoughts… I’ve been wanting to write a blog about it, but was afraid to start!  I help clients process on procrastination almost every day. I talk about how they are not lazy , it’s a fear of failure.. as soon as we start there is a chance of failing, so we avoid the start of something until we don’t have a choice.

“Until we don’t have a choice”… That’s an interesting statement.  The thing is, I also process how we always have a choice.. Not making a decision is a decision, even being in prison, we have choice to be on “good behavior” or “revolt”.

Taking this step to start my own private practice this year was a choice that I had the privilege of making when I have many choices and privileges. I am blessed to be in a dual income family, not having to pay for childcare as my kids are school aged.  This privilege is something I struggle with and ponder often.  I have the privilege of being in a place of my life to be able to be a therapist, a support for others, as there has been many times in my life when I have needed that same support. Even access to treatment is a privilege, because if my clients are seeing me, that means they have some sort of healthcare, or the ability to pay out of pocket, and able to support their mental health needs.  Why isn’t this an inalienable right? So many questions.

What I do know is that I’m glad I’m getting this first blog out there! I’m glad I had the privilege for taking a leap of faith and starting my own practice.  I’m glad my clients took a leap of faith and chose me and my practice!  I’m glad my clients have the privilege of getting mental health treatment.

I hope you are able to ponder what is keeping you from taking that leap of faith, taking that chance to fail, or maybe even succeed! 

Until next blog…




Why is Mother’s Day so hard?