Why is Mother’s Day so hard?

I reposted this picture on Mother’s Day from @lulas.garden.  This week has been heavy talking to all the beautiful mothers and I have thoughts.

Mother’s Day is a great way to celebrate mothers, however it can also be so triggering for so many.  Like many holidays it can highlight the hurt in our lives.

Mothers who lost children- how difficult it must be for mothers to remember that they are mothers to a child that isn’t with them anymore.  This isn’t supposed to happen in our life cycle..

Those who lost mothers- it’s hard every day, but especially on Mother’s Day, the grief and heaviness of missing her. Why isn’t she here to see her grandchildren? I have so many mom questions to ask, why aren’t you here?

Those with strained relationships- hard to miss all the “I love you posts” to our friends’ moms without thinking about our own complicated relationships and wish how things could be different. Am I lovable?

Mothers who don’t see their children often- it’s hard to be a mom without thinking about how one day when the kids are older. Where will they land? Will they be close by? How often will I see them? Can they stay here forever??

Those yearning to be mothers- ugh- Mother’s Day is so hard for those trying to conceive.  What a day to remember that all we want is to have a little baby to hold… When?? Why not me??

Those who chosen not to be mothers- and then there is the societal pressure and guilt of choosing not to be mothers.  Is there something wrong with me? Am I being judged? 

Holidays can be a great time to celebrate, however many times it is full of complicated feelings.  Even in a family without dysfunction (is there any out there??) it can be stressful with trying to keep up with expectations.

This is just a gentle reminder that most of us have complicated relationships in many forms. You are not alone, and there is nothing wrong with you. Take care of yourself.  Stay off of social media for the day.  Go for a walk. Engage your 5 senses. Attune to what gives you joy.  Reach out to your people. 

Until next time..


Are the holidays stressing you out?


I need to just do it- Nike said it best!!!